Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul - Jeppu Unit

2023 - 2024 S.V.P Jeppu Unit Members

During the tenure of Rev. Fr Cyril Silva SJ, the then Parish Priest, SSVP was inaugurated on 2nd September 1984 with 12 members.

President - Bro. Denis Apos

Secretary - Sis. Mabel D'Souza

Vice President - Sis. Marita Gibson 

Treasurer - Bro. Ligoury Fernandes

Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is an international Christian lay voluntary organization, dedicated to tackling poverty and backwardness by providing practical assistance to those in need irrespective of ideology,faith, ethnicity, age or gender. The vision of SSVP is to be a global Catholic charity organization, providing aid, development and hope to the poor and the marginalized.

The Society of St Vincent de Paul was founded in 1833 by Blessed Frederick Ozanam, a French law student, to help impoverished people living in the slums of Paris. Blessed Frederick Ozanam, the founder of the Society, was a French lawyer, author and professor in the Sorbonne university.He was only 20 years old when he founded the Society with six of his other friends. Frederick Ozanam was beatified by Pope John Paul II in the year 1997.

The conference of charity was established in 1833.

1. To bear witness to Christ and to his church by showing that the faith of Christian inspire them to work for the good of humanity

2. To bring together men and women of goodwill and to assist them by mutual example and true friendship in drawing nearer to the divine by fulfilling His essential precept, namely the love of God in the person of their fellow beings

3. To establish personal contact between its members and those who suffer and to bring to the latter the most efficacious and fraternal aid possible

The spirit of loyalty:

Four loyalties are required to the members of the Society of St Vincent de Paul:

Structure of the Society:

Vincentian Family:

The Society of St Vincent de Paul was officially started in India in 1863. When the Carvel Girgaum, Bandra, Umerkhadi, Mahim and Mazagaon in Bombay were aggregated and the Bombay Particular Council was instituted. Gradually, the SSVP conference was established in other parts of our country.

In 1926 on January 10th the SSVP was commenced in Bendur Parish and after aggregating it with Mother conference of Paris, within few months conferences were established in the neighboring parishes of Bejai, Rosario cathedral and Milagres and went on increasing in the remaining parishes of MangaloreDiocese and at present we have 111 conferences and three youth conferences under Mangalore Central Council. The Society in Mangalore is at the verge of celebrating Centenary Jubilee in the year, January 2026. Already few meetings were held and different committees are being formed to make the centenary celebration a grand success.